Although I’m a Beachbody coach, I have not nearly been as active lately as I once was. I used to go to every event, think about coaching daily, and always look for ways to grow my team. As I explain in the video below, I still am passionate about fitness, nutrition, and helping others, but I would no longer describe myself as a “business coach,” or someone using Beachbody as a career. I just completed a program through Beachbody, even though it’s one of the older programs, and thought I’d share my experience. Check out my ChaLEAN Extreme Results & Review!
I went live on facebook a while back to explain to anyone who cared to listen about my current status with Beachbody:
In case you aren’t interested in listening to the whole video (or watching it, if that’s your jam), basically, I still love Beachbody, and especially am grateful to it for introducing me to what may be my biggest passion, personal development, but am focusing more on my own business efforts. I will still gladly help anyone in any way I can, though, who is looking to improve their fitness and health!
While in the future, it is unlikely for me to do another program from start to finish (because Tommy is going to make me a custom program to work on my specific weaknesses, during which I will include random single Beachbody workouts), I recently completed one of the original Beachbody programs, ChaLEAN Extreme* (that’s the link to the base kit - the deluxe kit is here, and challenge pack (which includes Shakeology - which I love - is here).
If you’re a longtime reader of my blog, you know that I am a HUGE fan of Chalene Johnson, so one of the first things I need to mention when sharing my ChaLEAN Extreme Results & Review is that a huge benefit of this program is that it is led by Chalene! I find her extremely motivating, and love spending my mornings or afternoons with her (or evenings, for Recharge - the program that is yoga-like to improve flexibility).
If you’re unfamiliar with the structure of the program, for part of the ChaLEAN Extreme Results & Review, let me explain. Every week, you do three exercises that are strength-based, have one day that is a HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout with an ab workout, and a day with a cardio with weights workout and a 20-minute stretching/yoga-esque workout. Here’s a video about it:
There are three different phases, each a month long. The first phase is the Burn Phase, during which the strength workouts are higher reps with lighter weights. Phase two is the Push Phase, where it’s heavy lifting (high weights, low reps). The third and final month is the Lean Phase, during which you are doing more complex moves, such as a sumo squat and bicep curls at the same time.
I am guessing since I called this ChaLEAN Extreme Results & Review, that you’re hoping for some results?
Here’s the front:
Here’s the side view:
And here’s the back!
Obviously, the results are not super dramatic, but I can definitely see a difference, and not just because of the lighting and posing (you’d think someone with experience as a professional model and with several years of coaching and doing programs would be better)! I think even my face is less puffy in the afters on the right versus the before pictures!
I think that overall I feel a lot tighter and more toned, and definitely feel stronger!
Let’s include some numbers in this ChaLEAN Extreme Results & Review, shall we?
I lost 4.5 pounds, three inches off my waist, gained 1.25″ on my arms, and lost an inch on my hips!
There’s also a fit test before and after, and here are my results for that: I added two pushups on my toes and one on my knees (though I did the fit test the day after I lifted chest, so that probably hurt my results!), did 40 more crunches in my fit test, did 87 more body weight squats, added 49 seconds to my forearm plank, five more reps to my shoulder press, nine more bicep curls, and added 1.5″ to my “sit and reach.” Sounds to me like I became fitter all around!
To conclude, I would DEFINITELY recommend ChaLEAN Extreme (especially the challenge pack, which includes Shakeology) if you are looking to become more fit, especially if you want to be stronger and lose weight. Building muscles does NOT make you become bigger - just a tighter package - unless you are eating and supplementing intentionally to build mass!
One thing, though - I would DEFINITELY invest in Selectech weights for this program. Personally, the weights I used ranged from eight to 45 pounds, so having one set that could adjust to all those weight differences was VERY helpful!
ChaLEAN Extreme is right up there with my favorite Beachbody programs. I also love P90X3 from Tony Horton, PiYo & TurboFire (also by Chalene), and 22-Minute Hard Corps. If you are looking for all around fitness PLUS nutrition, I would recommend 21-Day Fix, or 21-Day Fix Extreme (my results here).
I hope you enjoyed my ChaLEAN Extreme Results & Review!
If you’d like more information about being a coach (see my review of that here), or if you’d like me to help you personally select a program that’s right for you, click here to send me a message, and we can get chatting! Beachbody on Demand is a great way to check out the different programs, and you can find a 30-day free trial here, or go straight for the quarterly or yearly membership with Shakeology!
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*Disclaimer: All of the program & weight recommendations are affiliate links! This means if you decide to order the program on Beachbody’s site by clicking that link, it will cost you the same price, but a small percentage will help me with the costs of my blog, and now my podcast, too – I.E., you spending money can help me MAKE money! Podcasting can be expensive, these purchases help support the show. Plus, I have many new projects coming that I think you will love that could use some support!
LOVE this program - just wish it was a bit shorter!
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