Back on September 8th and 9th, I went to an event called Success Live in Long Beach. I was so pumped to go, as it was several of my favorite people in Personal Development attending, along with many new names and faces I was excited to experience! Hereâs my biggest Takeaways & Experience From Success Live that weekend, plus an opportunity to download all of my notes! If youâre wondering what took so long to get it on here - there are SEVENTEEN pages of notes I transcribed from my hand-written booklet - and they could all be yours!
As you can see, I was well-equipped to attend, thanks to my VIP ticket! I brought my macbook and ipad, too, but mostly used them as a charging pad for my iphone and hard surface to take notes on, respectively!
As you can see, one of the amazing resources given to us was a speaker schedule, the other a notebook - I am using both of those to share my takeaways & experience from success live!
The event was co-hosted by Simon T. Bailey and Brendon Burchard (whose 5-hour online free workshop I brought up in the podcast interview where I was a guest on my own show!). Mr. Bailey opened the conference, and brought out the co-host Brendon Burchard, as the first speaker.
I loved that Mr. Bailey told us “if you think it, ink it” to remind us to take notes, and then said “if itâs repeatable, itâs tweetable” to remind us to tweet throughout the event. I listened to him on both accounts, and thatâs what this takeaways & experience from success live! post is all about… I will share the highlights here, and also give the opportunity to get my notes, which will be more detailed!
Mr. Bailey said that “relationships are the currency of the future,” which was a point that was echoed throughout the event, and he referenced how the event would impact our “heart drive and mind drive,” and I LOVED thinking of myself that way!
Here I am, ready to go (and tweet and use the hashtag like Simon T. Bailey suggested) on day one!
As I mentioned, first up was Brendon Burchard. Hereâs my tweet from his first time on stage!
“Listen through the fear.” - @BrendonBurchard at @successmagazine ‘s event #SUCCESSLive
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 8, 2017
Brendon Burchard is the author of High Performance Habits*, The Motivation Manifesto, The Millionaire Messenger, The Charge, Lifeâs Golden Ticket, and The Leadership Guide. He also created the course “Your Next Bold Move,” (I swear I didnât steal my podcast title from this!), and several other online academies!
This was the shorter of the two speeches he gave, and was more background information on himself (which was CAPTIVATINGLY told - obviously since he is part of the Worldâs Best Speaker course, and much of which I didnât know before), which endeared him to me much more!
And as you can see, I am a fan of his - I even bought his book!
A post shared by Mandie Brice đť:mandelicious1 (@mandelicious) on
After a near-death experience at age 19, he began asking himself this daily:
Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?
This experience helped him differentiate between living a caged life (trapped), an âokâ life (comfortable) and a âchargedâ life (where youâre truly LIVING).
To those who value personal development, âFineâ is a 4-letter word.
Leveling up is not always about achievement, but it can be changes made to how you live.
He gave five tips for living a charged life, and spoke about listening THROUGH the fear, and you can find those by entering in your email below (at the bottom) to get the full notes for my takeaways and experience from success live!
Next up was Chalene Johnson, who as you know, is a HUGE mentor from afar of mine. Needless to say, I was pumped to see/hear her! She is the author of PUSH, the creator of some of my favorite workout programs (PiYo, TurboFire, ChaLEAN Extreme, and TurboJam), and has also created several online academies of which I am a student/graduate!
So ready for #SuccessLive! Bring @ChaleneJohnson out! đ
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 8, 2017
I took surprisingly few notes, but I think this is largely because as a student of Chaleneâs for many years, most of what she said I had heard her say before.
However, one thing that stuck out to me that was new was that she shared that when she and her husband Bret first hired their housekeeper (because her hourly rate was much less than what Chaleneâs was, making it literally silly to have Chalene spend hours doing something like laundry and taking away from true moneymaking time), they were almost a half million dollars in debt!
That was so inspiring to me to not make excuses to delegate more of my things!
She mentioned that she had to give herself rational and emotional freedom. That is one of my biggest takeaways & experience from success live! from Chalene!
Of course, the rest of my notes will be in the downloadable at the end of me sharing my takeaways & experience from success live!
Next up was Pastor John Gray, who I had previously heard on Lewis Howesâ podcast. He is the author of “I Am Number 8,” and “Laughter in Black and White.”
“The success of one needs to be a blessing for all.” - @RealJohnGray at #SUCCESSLive by @successmagazine
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 8, 2017
As you can probably tell by the tweet above, my takeaways and experience from success live! regarding John Gray is primarily about leaving a legacy, and helping others. He also sang (which he is GREAT at) and was SUPER funny!
He spoke primarily about redefining success, and gave three tips on what that entails:
1. Itâs not about what I mean, but what I give away.
2. Itâs not about the success I achieve, but the legacy I leave.
3. Itâs not about what the world thinks of me, but about me going to bed knowing I did what I was created to do.
Of course, you can find more about this in my detailed notes that you can find at the end of my experience and takeaways from success live below!
Next to speak was Dean Graziosi. The funny thing about this one is that I had opted in, then out, of his email list. I didnât “know like & trust” him enough to stay, but one of the action steps I wrote down in my notes at the end was to opt back in, because now I am a HUGE fan of his!
He is the author of “Be A Real Estate Millionaire,” and “Profit from Real Estate Right Now.”
“Be authentic & enthusiastic. They know when you truly care.” - @deangraziosi at #SUCCESSLive by @successmagazine
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 8, 2017
One of the first things he said was to take what serves you from the conference, and throw the rest away.
At an event with as many amazing speakers as Success Live, there is a TON of amazing content, and it would be both easy to be overwhelmed by it all, as well as useless - because if you have so much you donât know what to do with, and you donât do anything, you wasted your time and your money!
His speech was centered around the eight things that make him a good father. This may seem useless, especially if, like me, you arenât a father, but then he later explained that the same list could be applied to being a good marketer.
Hereâs a video I did on facebook live using one of his eight tips!
Now are you intrigued? You gotta sign up for it below, after my takeaways & experience at success live!
After lunch, Josh Ellis, the current editor-in-chief of Success Magazine, spoke a bit (and he also would return to the stage later). Hereâs the main takeaway of what he had to say (which is in alignment of the goals and content of Success Magazine, of course)!
“Everything really goes back to your happiness, health, growth, and purpose.” - Josh Ellis, editor in chief, @successmagazine #SUCCESSLive
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 8, 2017
Josh Ellis stayed on stage, then, to interview Jocko Willink, who is a retired Navy Seal officer. He is the author of Extreme Ownership, Discipline Equals Freedom, and Way of the Warrior Kid.
“If you want freedom, you need to discipline yourself.” - @jockowillink at #SUCCESSLive by @successmagazine
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 8, 2017
I was not surprised to hear a Navy Seal be passionate about discipline!
My takeaways & experience from Success Live regarding Jocko Willink are that he uses what he learned and practiced in battlefields and working with other very disciplined individuals to help him succeed after he retired from the military.
Generally speaking, he recommended waking up early (and gave a tip how to get into that habit), and spoke upon the importance of discipline and humbly reflecting on and seeking self-improvement. The details are in the downloadable notes!
Next up: Keith Ferrazzi, the author of “Whoâs Got Your Back,” and “Never Eat Alone.”
“To build a great, authentic life, you need great, authentic relationships.” - @ferrazzi at #SUCCESSLive by @successmagazine
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 8, 2017
Remember when I said that investing in relationships was a common theme? It continues with Keith! He has studied why people donât do what they are supposed to do when they know theyâre supposed to do it, and one thing he found that improved performance is accountability!
There are SO many great takeaways & experience from success live notes regarding Keith Ferrazzi - almost too many to share! But they are ALL in my downloadable notes.
He shares amazing tips on how to build great relationships for success - how once again, it is more about giving than receiving (though he meant this in a different way than previous speakers).
Next up was Les Brown. OH MY GOODNESS, he was awesome too! Such an infectious laugh! And so many notes! He is the author of “Live Your Dreams,” “Itâs Not Over Until You Win,” and “Laws of Success.” He strongly recommends “The Road To Your Best Stuff” by Mike Williams.
“The easiest thing I did was earn $1M. The hardest thing, which took yrs, was believe that *I* could do it.” @LesBrown77 #SUCCESSLive
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 8, 2017
I took two full pages of notes for him… Here are some quick tips!
He said - Before you do, say, or listen to/watch something, ask yourself:
1. Is it positive?
2. Is it purposeful?
3. Is it productive?
4. Is it profitable?
5. Is it in relation to where Iâm going?
6. Is it giving versus always taking?
PROTECT your time!
He also recommended you watch this video every day for the next 90 days:
Many of the stories he shared (but not all of them) as well as lessons he told are in the speech above. He also said we should read this book! And of course, the rest of his teachings arenât in this recap of my takeaways & experience from Success Live, but rather in the downloadable notes allllllllll the way at the end!
If you think itâs taking me a long time to get through this, remember that this is from TWO FULL DAYS of learning and growing! This is the Cliffâs Notes Version!
The final speaker for day one was Mel Robbins, who I had never heard of, but I guess she is the most booked female speaker in the world, thanks to this TED Talk she gave:
She is the author of “The 5-Second Rule,” “Stop Saying Youâre Fine,” “The 5-Second Journal,” and “The 5-Second Workbook.”
Her story was really relatable, and her solution she gave in her talk was very simple - the five-second rule! Not the food one, but whenever you are putting off doing the right thing (and you know what that is), count backward from five, and do the thing. So if itâs getting out of bed - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - get out of bed. Waiting to change to go to the gym? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - get your butt up!
She claims you can change your life one five-second decision at a time!
She also spoke more about self-doubt and the competency loop, as well as the progress principle. Of course, you can find info about these in those notes that I keep mentioning, since this is ALREADY a crazy long blog!
“Your doubt creates mountains, your actions move them.” - @melrobbins yesterday at #SuccessLive by @successmagazine
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 9, 2017
Day TWO!
OBVIOUSLY, since it is my goal to get on that stage sometime (whoa - am I admitting that?!), I had to take advantage of this selfie opportunity!
Ok, on to more of my Takeaways & Experience From Success Live!
The first speaker for day two was the co-host, Simon T. Bailey. He is the author of “Brilliant Living,” “Shift Your Brilliance,” “Release Your Brilliance,” “Releasing Leadership Brilliance,” “Simon Says Dream,” “Success is an Inside Job,” “The Vuja De Movement - Shift from Average to Brilliant,” and “Greek Philosophers.” Wow! No wonder he kept calling us “Oh Brilliant One” and encouraging us to call our neighbors that! I had enjoyed his introductions, so I was very excited to hear what he had to say! He started by sharing that he, like many of the other speakers, was concerned for his home, as it was in the line of Hurricane Irma. Brendon Burchard shared that his home was in jeopardy because of the wildfires. It is a crazy time to be alive!
He “hugged us with his words,” and gave so many great tips and quotes - about dealing with your problems head on, how to handle rejection, what holds us back, and how letting go can help us become more successful!
“Rejection is the gift that invites you to step up.” - @SimonTBailey at #Successlive by @successmagazine
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 9, 2017
Next up was Peter Voogd, who was hilarious, and very impressive from a character and standards standpoint! He gave a cliffâs notes version of the plan he outlined in his book, 6 Months to 6 figures, and spoke about focus, discipline, and the importance of being a world class human. In addition to authoring “6 Months to 6 Figures,” he wrote “The Entrepreneurâs Blueprint to Massive Success.”
“Get addicted to the end result of doing what you donât feel like.” - @PeterVoogd23 at #SUCCESSLive by @successmagazine
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 9, 2017
I was blessed to meet the next presenter, who spent TONS of time taking pictures with fans, both before and after his talk. I was VERY impressed by his availability, which was unsurprisingly part of his speech. I was also tempted to ask him about the sucralose in Quest bars, but decided against it. To use Peter Voogdâs words, it seems like Tom Bilyeu is a world-class human!
Of course, I love his blue shoes! Reminds me of something Tommy would do!
He recommends to read “Grit” by Angela Duckworth. He is the founder of Quest bars, and spoke about making changes to your identity to help you get the success you want and deserve! There are so many more amazing notes and takeaways in the downloadable notes!
“You need to switch your ego to be proud of putting in work.” - @TomBilyeu at #SUCCESSLive by @successmagazine
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 9, 2017
The next speaker was Kim Perrell, who had an extremely impressive story, background, and work ethic. She gave a great talk with a five-step process focused on execution and how important that is to a great idea.
One of the main points of her talk was the importance of a life audit to ensure that the people you spend your time with and the things you are doing are positively impacting your desired outcomes, rather than potentially hurting them.
You can check out her amazing five-step process in the downloadable notes Iâm offering!
The next speaker I saw was Todd Davis, who is an expert at relationship building in the workplace. He is the author of “Get Better: 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships at Work.” He mentioned “No Exit” by Jean-Paul Sartres as an example of how hell isnât a place, itâs dealing with other people you may rather not deal with!
He told a great story about how he and his daughter trained together for a half marathon, and how changing his mindset on working with her and helping and encouraging her made an enormous difference after three years of her agreeing to run with him and quitting. It was a great example of how important it is to tailor interactions with people for results of all involved in collaboration, versus focusing primarily on your own outcome!
“If all change starts with us, the way we see things changes everything.” - @ToddDavisFC at #SUCCESSLive by @successmagazine
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 9, 2017
Next up, the homie Brendon Burchard was back on stage, and of course, I had TONS of notes on his talk!
He broke down the five Ps of performance, and how you can use them to focus on and achieve your goals.
He also gave amazing tips on how to still get a lot done without “bleeding energy” over the course of the day by focusing on how you transition from one task to another.
“Itâs not a different PERSON whoâs a high performer, itâs a different set of PRACTICES.” - @BrendonBurchard #SUCCESSLive @successmagazine
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 9, 2017
Peter H. Diamandis was another speaker that I didnât get the chance to snap & tweet a picture of, but his statistics were absolutely fascinating!
He shared information on how to DREAM bigger, which is extra inspiring coming from him, as he is a VC in Silicon Valley that has invested in a lot of companies who make MOONSHOTS, which are crazy ideas that end up enabling you to 10X your goals and outputs!
He explains, too, how technology and evolution are continuing to change each other and how we perceive things, as well as amazing future possibilities in technology will change our lives.
He says if you want to be a billionaire, you need to help one billion people. I love this - it reminds me of Zig Ziglarâs quote that you can get anything you want if you help enough people get what they want!
He shared this amazing video about how we only THINK many things in the world are getting worse, but theyâre actually getting much better!
I found his talk so informative and inspiring and have definitely since become a big Peter H. Diamandis fan!
The next speaker was Michael Bernoff, who I had never previously heard of, but really enjoyed because I felt like a lot of what he said resonated with my situation personally!
He spoke about how one of the greatest issues heâs had as a hurdle has been the fact that he hasnât had any huge struggles to inspire him to be a hero and pass over. I feel the same way! In fact, I almost had “the enemy of success is comfort” tattooed on me at one point… I feel like I havenât had anything to KEEP me moving forward!
He also spoke about strategic influence, and how you can start being influential by influencing yourself. Of course, the detailed notes are in my free download!
“Average - your way of staying who you are instead of becoming the person you want to be.” - @michaelbernoff #successlive @successmagazine
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 9, 2017
Scooter Braun was the next guest, and for this segment, he was actually interviewed by his brother, Adam Braun. This was seriously one of the most exciting parts for me, because I think that both of these gents are absolutely fantastic, so I found it SUPER inspiring!
I first heard from both of them on Lewis Howesâ podcast, School of Greatness. In case youâre not familiar, Scooter is a manager in the music industry (with clients like Justin Bieber and Arianna Grande) and does a TON of charity work and fundraisers. One thing I loved about him was that he puts his wife and kids on his social media because he wants to share that you can be a success in the music industry and still be a good husband and father, as opposed to it being all about fast money, fast cars, and fast women!
He gave some great tips on life and romance.
Adam Braun is the founder of Pencils of Promise, and Author of “The Promise of a Pencil: How An Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change,” and is revolutionizing Education as we know it!
While Scooter hasnât yet written any books, he strongly recommended “A Manâs Search for Meaning” by Victor Frankl and “The Operator” by David Geffen.
Here is the concept that Scooter closed his interview with, and you can see the rest in the downloadable notes!
“If you give people the opportunity to do good, they will choose to do good.” - @scooterbraun interviewed by @adambraun #successlive
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 9, 2017
The day and conference concluded with a talk by the incredible Dr. Daniel Amen. He is the author of “Memory Rescue,” “Change Your Brain Change Your Life,” “Healing ADD,” “Brain Warriorâs Way,” “The Daniel Plan,” “Captain Snout and the Super Power Questions,” “The Daniel Plan Cookbook,” “The Brain Warriorâs Way Cookbook,” “Stones of Remembrance,” “Healing Anxiety and Depression Based On Cutting Edge Brain Imaging Science,” “Time for Bed, Sleepyhead,” “The Daniel Plan Study Guide,” “The Amen Solution: The Brain Healthy Way to Get Smarter, Thinner, Happier,” “Unleash the Power of the Female Brain,” and “Change Your Brain, Change Your Body.” Whew! Writing that list was exhausting - I canât imagine writing all the books! đ I find it SUPER inspiring for sure!
I had heard of him before on Chalene Johnsonâs podcast, and had always found him very fascinating! He used the acronym “Bright Minds” to give tips on how to keep your brain healthy, and avoid issues like Alzheimerâs disease!
He was very entertaining to listen to, which is impressive for a topic that could be presented very dryly!
I was relieved that many of his recommendations are already really important parts of my habits and everyday life, but there were still a few wakeup calls! Additionally, it was great motivation to keep at my good habits! Those eleven tips from the Bright Minds acronym are, of course, part of my Takeaways & Experience From Success Live free download!
“When you stop learning, your brain begins dying. Aging is optional.” - @DocAmen at #SUCCESSLive by @successmagazine
â Mandie Brice (@Mandelicious) September 9, 2017
I hope you enjoyed the “Cliffâs Notes” version of my Takeaways & Experience From Success Live, and hope even more that you not only take advantage of the free download I am offering of an even more detailed and beneficial account of it!
Stay tuned for even more valuable motivation and life tips!
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[…] The first option below will not only sign you up for a MONTHLY digest of emails, but will also give you a list of 22-must-have items for your makeup kit (if youâre a gentleman or not a makeup wearer, feel free to pass it on to a friend) AND my 17 pages of incredible notes from the 20 amazing mentors at the Success Live event I attended! […]
[…] The first option below will not only sign you up for a MONTHLY digest of emails, but will also give you a list of 22-must-have items for your makeup kit (if youâre a gentleman or not a makeup wearer, feel free to pass it on to a friend) AND my 17 pages of incredible notes from the 20 amazing mentors at the Success Live event I attended! […]
[…] The first option below will not only sign you up for a MONTHLY digest of emails, but will also give you a list of 22-must-have items for your makeup kit (if youâre a gentleman or not a makeup wearer, feel free to pass it on to a friend) AND my 17 pages of incredible notes from the 20 amazing mentors at the Success Live event I attended! […]