Not sure how long you’ve been following my blog, but last July, I went to Blogfest/IDEA World in Los Angeles, and had an amazing time. Not only was it incredibly fun to be around a ton of health & fitness bloggers, to work out together, and to learn about the latest in greatest in some of the areas about which I’m most passionate (fitness, nutrition, and blogging or in my format - meals, muscles, and misc!), I also got the information and inspiration that I needed to start my baby & labor of love, the Bold Moves Podcast, Bold Moves with Mandie Brice! This year’s event was no less special. Read on to get my Blogfest/IDEA World 2017 Recap!
Last year, one of the amazing classes we took during the Blogfest portion (the first two days) was about Snapchat. I then took in another seminar from Natalie Jill, and learned about repurposing Snapchat content (something my mentor from afar, Chalene Johnson, also teaches), so it should come as no surprise that the best way for me to share my Blogfest/IDEA World 2017 experience would be through my Snapchat stories for this Blogfest/IDEA World 2017 Recap!
Here’s the first one, covering my trip to Vegas, and day one!
One of the most exciting parts of the day was meeting Elaine Lalanne, wife of late Jack Lalanne, the godfather of fitness! She is 91 years old, and you can tell that fitness and nutrition were a huge part of her and Jack’s relationship, because she is still going strong - literally!
I got to spend time with her and meet her because of a former podcast guest, Linda Mitchell. Remember her? She started a podcast shortly after being on mine (which I in turn was a guest on), and then Elaine Lalanne was a guest on her show! I feel honored to be in such great company!
Linda took over my facebook live to interview Elaine about the new product they were offering at Blogfest/IDEA World 2017! Check it out!
Another highlight, as you may have seen in the video, was getting to hear Darren Hardy speak - twice! He’s another mentor from afar, and I gotta say, I’m a little obsessed. I even skipped the group workout to hear him speak the second time! His book, The Compound Effect*, is one that I always recommend and have read a few times!
Day two was fabulous as well! It started off with an amazing workout (that I hope made up for skipping the one on day one) called ModelFit, that I really loved (and let me honestly confess that it was MUCH harder than I expected when I saw the 2lb weights!)! As I mentioned in the video to come, I could definitely get used to working out with a live DJ! Fortunately, the DJ made the playlist we worked out to on Spotify, too, so if you want some music to pump you up, I recommend checking it out!
There was a ton more learning, as well as one-on-one interviews with some really incredible brands that I was excited to meet. We also had the keynote speech from the incredibly exciting Todd Durkin, whose book I received and am excited to read! If you weren’t lucky enough to be there and get a copy, you can get The Wow Book* here!
And here’s the whole group after his keynote!
During breakfast, I also got to reconnect with Jorge Cruise, who was at last year’s event with his new husband. Their anniversary is one year before and one day after ours - so 7/2/16! It was great to see such friendly faces again!
If you weren’t there, and being both Tiny and Full sounds good to you, you can grab his book here*!
Since I don’t know how much of my audience members are bloggers (versus family & friends), I will spare you the details we learned about Search Engine Optimization, making money as a guest blogger, and other blog-related topics!
But in case anyone reading WENT to Blogfest (and is probably in this picture), HELLO!
If you are considering going to Blogfest, and are on the fence - I can’t recommend it enough!
And I think I will also do what I can to try to keep the suspense about any potential brand partnerships I’ve made, so sit tight and be patient in that department!
Here I am at the happy hour with amazing people flexing around the TRX display! Look at those guns!
While this year, I did make an effort to go out of my way to chat with more people and try to be less shy (or maybe it’s just a head down focus on my goals and learning), I still wish I had interacted more! I just get so excited about what I learn that I want to apply it right away and start working, and then I forget sometimes that I am surrounded by incredible people that I should pay more attention to!
There’s always next year - and it’ll be in San Diego! I hope I get to go!
I am SO appreciative of the ladies from SweatPink/FitApproach who put such an incredible event together, as well as for all of the sponsors who made it happen, and the people who made the event so special! I swear I talked to a lot of them! 😜
Stay tuned for this Monday’s podcast episode (and maybe another blog post in between, since I have been inspired to blog more - for obvious reasons), some really exciting announcements, and more!
P.S. Did you like what you read? Make sure to check out other blogs on the page, and to subscribe by entering your email below, so you never miss a post!
Also, let’s hang out on social media!
Mandie’s Fitness, Nutrition, Personal Development, Sustainability & Beauty Facebook Page!
Mandie on Instagram!
Mandie on Periscope!
Mandie Tweets!
Mandie’s Pinterest!
Mandie’s Tumblr!
Mandie’s YouTube!
Mandie’s Google +
* This is an affiliate link. That means you still buy it from Amazon and pay the same price, but I get a few shekels to help pay for things like web hosting, domain name fees, etc - those little labor of love expenses that I didn’t expect would add up so much when it came to blogging! I appreciate you using them to help a sista out!
It’s so cool to see the results of a year and excited to see what this year’s IDEA will ignite. Hope to see you in San Diego 😊
Yes! Hold me accountable to meeting you! <3